by Claire Reed

flamboyant, Bella strides,
stumps, marches, a lightening rod,
raucous, rallying the troops,
fierce, intense, prodding hard,
under the big hat, an inner spirit reigns,
exhilerated by music, by songs,
stroked by Nature’s magnificence,
by mountain, sea and plains,
embracing family, friends,
pleads for peace, fights resists war,
under the big hat, a legend,
an icon, whom we applaud,
a serious woman on a serious voyage,
defining truth and power,
our Mother Courage.
April 14, 2010
Claire Reed spent the major part of her life in the political realm, including work for SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) and Women Strike for Peace. In the 1960s and 70s, she worked on political campaigns and when Bella Abzug (1920-1998) was elected to Congress in 1971, she became a member of her New York City staff. In the past several years Reed has concentrated on writing fiction and poetry.
Also see “Aung San Suu Kyi Acts on Love, A Poem” by Maureen McNeil in this edition of On The Issues Magazine.
See “Wonder Woman: A Comic Book Character Shows the Way” by Linda Stein in this edition of On The Issues Magazine.