ON THE ISSUES really is–on the issues, that is. It kind of reminds me of Ms. When it was a lot younger and a lot more feisty, when it really had something to say about topics of concern to women no matter how revolutionary or radical they seemed. A look at some topics covered in recent issues will give you some ideas: “outing” of gays; the role of women in Nazi Germany; animal rights; abortion providers (or almost total lack of them in rural areas); speciesist language; death of a victim of parental-consent laws; invisible women in the media; a convicted rapist — was he framed?; women’s “great life” in Sweden; the massacre of women students in Montreal — lethal misogyny?; abortion: another version of the Holocaust?; and so on. ON THE ISSUES has it all, and has become one of the most outspoken feminst journals in the U.S. My only regret after reading every page of the issues that were sent to me for this article is that this excellent magazine isn’t a monthly instead of a quarterly.

On The Issues Magazine Online is a successor to the progressive, feminist quarterly print publication from 1983 to 1999.
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