by Susie Cagle
Graphic journalist Susie Cagle researched anti-abortion Crisis Pregnancy Centers by visiting several in the Bay Area “pretending to be naïve and knocked up.” What she found “wasn’t what I was expecting,” she says. “The brilliance and danger of First Resort and other clinics like them is that they do not fit the image of the ‘anti-abortion activist’… they are not screaming with pictures of dead babies.” Cagle adds, “For me, this version of reality is much more scary – false information delivered with a smile.” Cagle has written and drawn for the Awl, the Hairpin, Truthout, American Prospect, Campus Progress and others; this feature comes from Cartoon Movement.
Click below to see all 17 pages in Cagle’s story.

Also see: The Art Perspective: Guerrilla Girls curated by Linda Stein in this edition of On The Issues Magazine.
Also see: Heather Ault: Visualizing 4000 Years of Choice by Eleanor Bader in this edition of On The Issues Magazine.
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