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2010 Summer

MDs Tell HHS: High Risk Patients Need Abortion Coverage

By Jodi Magee At Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health, we know that abortion is an essential part of comprehensive …

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2010 Summer

Girls Kick: Moving the Media’s World Cup Goal Posts

by Ariel Dougherty The World Cup coverage by ESPN (and ABC) washed over the U.S. this summer like a fever …

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2010 Summer

Girls and Women are Slamming The Poetry Scene

By Lauren Zuniga Every year at the National Poetry Slam poets from all over the country gather to tell their …

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2010 Summer

Women Challenge Gender Apartheid in the Catholic Church

by Angela Bonavoglia If ever there were doubt about the relationship between the Catholic Church’s spectacular failure to address the …

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2010 Summer

Female Music Critics Transcend Fan Culture

By Georgia Kral Scan through the pages of a major music magazine, the arts section of The New York Times, or …

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2010 Summer

Gender Equality: Devil in the Details

by Cindy Cooper Perhaps one of the biggest impediments to women’s equality in the United States is a pervasive, persistent …

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2010 Summer

“Little Marie”: The Daily Toll of Sexist Language

by Marie Shear I am lying on a gurney in a hospital hallway, alone, waiting to be rolled into the …

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2010 Summer

A Feminist Vision: No Justice-No Equity

by Loretta Ross My mother always asked the question, “Why would I want to be equal to men, when I’ve …

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2010 Summer

Say “I Do”: Constitutional Equality is Forever

by Carolyn A. Cook Looking back now, my parents’ divorce was my first awakening to the double standard for women. …

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2010 Summer

Broadway Has A Long Way to Go, Baby

By Deborah Savadge Remember the Virginia Slims ad campaign from 40 years ago Directed at women, it announced, “You’ve come …

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2010 Summer

Snood by Snood, Tight-Knit Orthodox Piety Loosens Up

by Eleanor J. Bader Inside insular religious communities in the U.S. women are quietly, and sometimes covertly, rolling back limitations …

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2010 Summer

Alright Then, Let Men Compete

by Megan Carpentier This summer, Hanna Rosin warned readers of The Atlantic that the apocalypse was nigh — for boys, at least. …

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2010 Summer

Featured Video: “Car Repair is Women’s Work”

Car mechanic and mother Audra Fordin dons her work gloves to do a grease job on an automobile in her …

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2010 Summer

Defeating Racism and Sexism with the Politics of Authenticity

by Lu Bailey I’ve always been interested in the media’s impact on public policy as well as the media’s role …

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2010 Summer

A Radical Look at The Question of Equality

By Helen Gilbert When I heard from Radical Women members who attended this summer’s U.S. Social Forum that some participants …

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2010 Summer

Gender Pay Gap Underestimates Economic Inequality

by Joan Williams The gender pay gap is standard measure of women’s economic inequality. At the dawn of second-wave feminism, …

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2010 Summer

Formation of Gender Identity in the Church

By Rev. Rebecca Turner Growing up in a small Missouri town Southern Baptist church in the 1960s, I recall very …

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2010 Summer

“Nontraditional” : A Video Makes A Car Job Seem Auto-Matic

The Editors It’s generally called “nontraditional” employment women working in jobs that are mostly held by men. While becoming an …

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2010 Summer

A Prayer for the Girl Child

By Suzanne Stutman When I grow upPlease let me:Be safe.Learn to read and write.Live with my parentsAnd my brothers and …

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2010 Summer

Snood by Snood, Tight-Knit Orthodox Piety Loosens Up

by Eleanor J. Bader Inside insular religious communities in the U.S. women are quietly, and sometimes covertly, rolling back limitations …

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2010 Summer

Advancing Rights: 1964 Marks the Beginning of a New Era

By Sonia Pressman Fuentes On August 26, we’ll be celebrating the 90th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment …

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2010 Spring

Opening New Horizons on Faith-Based Sex Education

By Rev. Rebecca Turner Since the 1960s, a sex education war has waged in school districts and state legislatures around …

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2010 Summer

Best City for Working Women: In Our Checkbooks

by Beverly Cooper Neufeld A small cadre of women rallied on the steps of New York’s City Hall on April …

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2010 Spring

“Earth to Natalie:” One Teacher and Integration in Nashville

by Natalie Bell By the early 1970s, nearly 20 years after the U.S. Supreme Court had found segregated schools to …

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2010 Summer

Beyond Equality to Liberation

by Mary Lou Greenberg I will always remember the first time I realized that women did not have to live …

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2010 Spring

Tips on Making Career Out of Feminist Work

By Suzanne Grossman I recently had the pleasure of speaking on a career panel to young women enrolled in Feminist …

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2010 Spring

Indie Music Groups Share Sex Positivity

By Georgia Kral Two indie bands with all female members, Mountain Man from Bennington, Vermont and Sleep Over from Austin, …

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2010 Spring

Practicing Freedom: An Enduring Model in Anne Frank

by Maureen McNeil Anne Frank wrote that when society fails to protect its people, it’s not just the politicians who …

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2010 Spring

Dispatches from the Road: A Travelogue of True Stories

by Barbara Becker Two decades ago, an encounter with a now-famous global trailblazer helped point me on a path of …

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2010 Spring

On The Frontlines: A Counselor Must Address A Gauntlet of Lies

by Mary Lou Greenberg Several older women stood on the sidewalk a few feet from the entrance to Choices Women’s …

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2010 Spring

Thinking About Hollywood: Breaking the Entertainment Barrier

by Jaye Austin Williams In a 2007 interview, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, Tony Kushner was asked, “Can theater or film make …

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2010 Spring

Listening Up: Students Blow the Whistle on Sexual Violence

by Stephanie Gilmore and Sarah Barr As women – a faculty member and a student – at Dickinson College, a …

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2010 Spring

A Feminist’s U-Turn: A Torrid Tale of Disappointment and Discovery

by Megan Carpentier When my parents instilled in me the belief that I could do anything a boy could do, …

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