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1995 Summer

For two women shot to death in Brookline, Massachusetts

by Marge Piercy How dare a woman choose?Choose to be pregnant,choose to be childless,choose to be lesbian,choose to have two …

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1995 Spring

Do Feminists Need to Liberate Animals, Too?

by Merle Hoffman Carol Adams sees feminism as a visionary philosophy that includes stewardship of the earth. Over the years, On …

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1995 Spring


by Peggy Simpson The fight to regain reproductive rights The scaffolding covering the Chopin Palace in Warsaw didn’t hide the …

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1995 Spring

Tragedy, American-Style

by Merle Hoffman For in other ways, a woman Is full of fear, defenseless, dreads the sight of cold Steel; …

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1995 Spring

Rape in High Places

by Phyllis Chesler Like most women, I’ve been sexually harassed by my professors, employers, boyfriends, and husbands – and by …

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1995 Spring

Hair Daze : To Shave or Not to Shave?

by Olivia James “IN MY DAY, IT ALL STARTED when you were fourteen. . .at Easter time,” she says, pulling …

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1995 Spring

A Fighter from the Bronx

Bella Abzug, “the Bronx’s gift to the nation, and now the world,” was awarded the 1994 Veteran Feminists of America …

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1995 Spring


by Laura Flanders One week after Aristide’s return to Haiti, ON THE ISSUES sent journalist Laura Flanders to Port-au-Prince to …

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1995 Spring

Phyllis Schlafly’s Ancestors

by Patricia Riley Dunlap Mocking poetry graced each issue of the The Reply. The 1913 “A Dream of Fair Women” …

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1995 Spring

Ellen Snortland on the Chinese Peter Principle

The Chinese government did their best to see that we had as little contact as possible with the people of …

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1995 Spring

The Appeal of Fundamentalism

by Frances Kissling Fundamentalism responds to people’s fear of the modern world, and there are some very good reasons to …

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1995 Winter

Breast Intentions: Enlightening medical students about the female body

by Jeannette Batz “Basically, you’ll learn how breast examinations should be done, then you’ll teach and evaluate the medical students,” …

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1995 Winter

The Dead Man Is Not on Trial

by Phyllis Chesler It’s almost as if people expect men to rape, beat, and murder women and children. No one’s …

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1995 Winter

Heroism: Theory and Practice

by Merle Hoffman By nature, I am a romantic and have had warrior fantasies since my early adolescence. Surrounding myself …

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1995 Winter

The Big Chill

by Marlene C. Piturro Legal secretary Rena Weeks was astonished when a jury awarded her $7.1 million dollars for being …

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1995 Winter

Natural Childbirth: From Option to Orthodoxy

by Nicole Bokat “I did it!” a beaming Elizabeth announced to our mother’s group. “Chloe was born naturally” The other …

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1995 Winter

The Hillary Thing

by Elayne Rapping In a review of the autobiography of Norma McCorvey—the Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade—in a recent …

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1995 Winter

The Ugly Duchess She was everything a woman wasn’t supposed to be

By Edith Pearlman The Ugly Duchess haunts me. She has haunted me since our first encounter, when I was seven. …

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1995 Winter

Confronting the Antis in Pensacola

by Mary Lou Greenberg Anti-abortion leader and former Ku Klux Klan member John Burt and two of his associates called …

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1994 Winter

THE POLITICS OF THE POSSIBLE: What Women Can Gain Under Clinton

by Katherine Eban Finkelstein Under George Bush, the halls and rooms of the White House were closed to us. We …

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1994 Fall

Foal Play

by Dot Hayes Chances are that if you are seeking relief from menopausal symptoms, your doctor will suggest Premarin, a …

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1994 Fall

Iran: Sexual Apartheid in Iran

by Mahin Hassibi The repression of women is the only visible “accomplishment” of the fundamentalist regime. Sixteen years ago, the …

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1994 Fall

Godfathers on Campus

by Suzanne Levine Ever wonder how the term “politically correct” became a fashionable assault weapon against progressive thinking on college …

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1994 Fall

A Sacrificial Light: Self-Immolation in Tajrish Square, Tehran

by Martha Shelley “MY SISTER ENDED HER LIFE AS AN ACT OF PROTEST against the way the Islamic Republic is treating …

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1994 Fall

Safety Net Performs Vanishing Act

by Lynn Phillips From welfare to un-fare? That’s how it will go unless feminists rally behind better reforms. SAY YOU …

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1994 Fall

OTI Dialogue: Congressman John Lewis and Andrea Dworkin Towards a Revolution in Values

by Merle Hoffman The Congressman arrived flushed with triumph. He had just been part of the victorious vote on the …

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1994 Fall

High Noon in Moscow

by Merle Hoffman Somewhere in the course of planning my latest journey to Russia I lost my fear of flying. …

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1994 Winter

Who Stole Incest?

by Louise Armstrong IN 1978, WHEN PEOPLE ASKED WHAT I’D WRITTEN ABOUT, I’d say “incest.” And they would then most …

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1994 Summer

Needed: A Feminist Immigration Policy

by Eleanor Pam When Lawton Chiles, Governor of Florida, recently announced that his state would deny foster care to undocumented …

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1994 Summer

Born-Again Consumers

by Lillian Afrkano Clearly, the home shopping church has its own convention for testifying. An ionizer for $29? A beaded …

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1994 Summer

What’s Left of Sex?

by Elaine Rapping As everyone must surely have been reminded more than once by now, this summer marks the 25th …

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1994 Summer

Degrees of Separation

by Mary E. Hunt Patricia M. is a history and women’s studies professor at a university where feminism is still …

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1994 Summer

Smoke Yourself Thin

by Suzanne Levine Longing to be independent, exuberant, popular, sexy, and slim? The tobacco industry spends more than $4 billion …

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